Love this parable, shared by Soren on Substack:
A woman once came to Gandhi with her child, concerned about her child's habit of eating too much sugar. Knowing how much her child respected Gandhi, she asked him, “Could you please tell my daughter to stop eating sugar?”
Gandhi listened and then replied, “Please come back in two weeks.”
The woman and her child returned two weeks later. This time, Gandhi simply told the child, “Please do not eat sugar.” Grateful, the mother thanked him, but she couldn’t help asking, “Why did we need to wait two weeks for you to say that?”
Gandhi said, “Two weeks ago, I was eating sugar.”
Brought up in a long family tradion of advice givers, I am spending much of my later years learning to practice what I preach. It’s not easy, but is fascinating.
For example, today I participated in a first-time class, offered by Amanda Wongsonagoro, demonstrated in the video at the beginning of this post, on the Hendrickson Method, a treatment originated by Tom Hendrickson, D.C. for muscloskeletal disorders. Initially, I was motivated to participate in this class to help a loved one who has nerve compression. After reading the Ghandi parable, I realized that I can help another person by first addressing my own physical challenges and by practicing. I liked that the class today included ways I can help myself after the session.
In other words, practice what I preach!
Kids of any age don’t want to listen to parents or grandparents or teachers unless we also listen to them.
Okay, enough work at the computer! Time to practice the Hendricson Method on myself.
Keep tuned for updates.