The Day After
I pay extra special attention to relax when I'm worked up about something, such as the day after the elections. I expect you do, too.
Yoga, meditation, and uplifting music work for me.
Following are a few yoga tips I apply to relax in the midst of emotional turmoil:
Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation: Calming Hand Mudra Mantra Guided Meditation
I sit cross-legged with a straight spine (if you can’t sit cross-legged or in another yoga position with a straight spine, you can sit on a chair or lie down). I close my eyes. As I touch each finger to the thumb, I chant “Sa Ta Na Ma” continuously for two minutes, then whisper the chant for two minutes. This yoga chant is called “Kirtan Kriya.” The sounds, representing the cyle of life (infinity, life, death, rebirth), mean”Sat Nam,” or “my true essence.”
Following are the meanings of each syllable: (Source: Yogapedia)
Sa — birth, beginning and the totality of the cosmos
Ta — life, existence and creativity manifest
Na — death and transformation
Ma — rebirth, regeneration and consciously experiencing the joy of the Infinite
Benefits of this meditation include the following:
Cognitive function
Short-term memory
Stress relief
Mental clarity
Emotional balance
Self awareness
Source: Generative AI
My husband said he made up a finger/thumb activity like this when he was a child to relax himself. I’ve observed positive responses to this activity with elders, young adults, and youth.
Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani in Sanskrit)
I lie flat on my back with my legs up the wall. This pose helped me relax by slowing my breath. According to yoga teacher Anna Greenberg, following are the benefits of Legs Up the Wall Pose:
Reducing swelling and fatigue in the feet
Relieving tension and stress
Gently stretching the lower back and hamstrings
Improving circulation
Aiding with digestion
Relieving PMS symptoms
Equal Breathing (Sama Vritti in Sanskrit)
To relax and improve my mental well-being, I match the duration of my inhale with the duration of my exhale. Generative AI says, “Breathing techniques can help reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. They can also help you move out of the a”fight or flight’ state and into the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and digestion.” Healthline shares other breathing exercises.
Canto della Terra
There are many more ways to relax, but I just wanted to mention just a few that I do at home, any time of day, so not to overwhem myself or you. However, I can’t leave without sharing the following inspirational music clip: “Canto della Terra” (sung by Lauren Daigle and Andrea Bocelli). See video at beginning of this post.
Moving Forward
The more I recite “SaTaNaMa, ” the more I integrate the chant and finger/thumb activity with other yoga poses, such as “Legs Up the Wall” and “Equal Breathing,” also with walks in nature. I like the multi-sensory experience of integrating these activities (sight, sound, movement, breathing) and the accompanying emotional release.
Something To Think About
How do you relax in the midst of emotional turmoil?
Try the “SaTaNaMa” meditation. How does it work for you?
How have you integrated this meditation into your life?
What is your experience with the “Legs Up the Wall” and “Equal Breathing” exercises? “
How does listening to “Canto Della Terra” affect you? What other music do you find inspirational?